This website and its forum, which currently has around 250 members, is owned and operated by the Association and managed by an elected committee of volunteers (No-one is paid in any way) on a not for profit basis with the aim of reuniting ex members, including Permanent Staff and Civilian Instructors, of the following units……
Junior Infantrymen’s Battalion
Infantry Boys Battalion
Tuxford | Harrogate | Plymouth
Infantry Junior Leaders Battalion
Plymouth | Oswestry | Shorncliffe
Junior Infantry Wing
The Association
The Association was founded in the late 1990s by the late Charlie McGrogan, who laid down the structure and constitution on which the Association is based.
The Association as we know it today really took off when Bryan (Wobbly) Roberts started a small personal website dedicated to IJLB which included a forum allowing us to communicate.
The Association continues to support young men and women who wish to enter into an Army career through associations with AFC Harrogate, School Combined Cadet Forces and Army Cadet Contingents.
Our members give these young people the benefit of their experiences in both military and civilian life. Passing on information as to how the excellent training we received helped our careers both in and outside of the military.
Online courses
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Nunc nec massa nec est interdum suscipit. Donec vel orci quis dolor
Nunc nec massa nec est interdum suscipit. Donec vel orci quis dolor
Customer Review
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed sit amet facilisis urna. Praesent ac gravida libero. Donec non hendrerit arcu. T enim, sagittis eget suscipit et, eleifend eu orci. Nunc nec massa nec est interdum suscipit. Donec vel orci quis dolor sollicitudin volutpat. Mauris convallis metus eget tellus mollis euismod. Vestibulum dapibus odio at nisl consequat, in semper augue auctor. Duis risus felis, pulvinar quis tempus
Clarissa Wolman
“Vestibulum dapibus odio at nisl consequat, in semper augue auctor. Duis risus felis, pulvinar quis tempus vitae”
Lora Spielberg
“Vestibulum dapibus odio at nisl consequat, in semper augue auctor. Duis risus felis, pulvinar quis tempus vitae”
Christopher Brown
“Vestibulum dapibus odio at nisl consequat, in semper augue auctor. Duis risus felis, pulvinar quis tempus vitae”